Mp3 Tag Editor updated to version 1.2.Download

- Added a context menu option to change specific tags for all files at once.

- Added application styles.

cRPG Character Builder updated with new exp formula.Download Max level increased to 38.

Ctrl+C and CTRL+V shortcuts can be now used to copy/paste builds.Download


Version 1.6.4 updated to fit modified WPF formula.Download

Right mouse button click on "+" and "-" buttons quickly add/remove values.


I found some time to update my cRPG Character Builder for Mount&Blade: Warband - cRPG mod.Download

This application will help you to make the best possible build for your in-game character.

New version includes all recent game changes, from WPF formula to EXP formula.

This version also let you to save or load your builds from separate .bld files.